Waffle Factory - Valenciennes - Place d'Armes

35 Place D'Armes, 59300

Valenciennes, France

Opening hours

Currently closed. Opens at 10:00


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Our products


Filled savory waffles, with tasty and original recipes

Liege Waffle

Belgian waffles with sugar pearls, crunchy and delicious. Customizable according to your wishes.


Sweet filled, fluffy and delicious waffles


Hot, cold, iced, Crazy... Perfect to complete your waffles

Our news

Discover delicious, easy-to-make waffle recipes!

The waffle is an essential and much-loved pastry. This culinary preparation is very popular in many parts of the world, although it can vary considerably in shape, texture and accompaniments depending on the region and local culinary tradition.

Salted Waffles : A Delicious Culinary Trend

Waffles, those sweet delicacies often associated with breakfast or brunch, have long been a source of pleasure for the taste buds. However, an emerging culinary trend has taken kitchens around the world by storm: savory waffles. These tasty creations bring a new dimension to a beloved classic

March 25 is our favorite day ! It's Waffle day !

Waffles are life. No one can resist a good waffle, sweet or savory. Halfway between French toast and a giant cookie, this pastry is a staple of European cuisine, particularly in Belgium and France.

Our jobs

Discover our professions and our job offers in restaurants: manager, assistant manager or team member, and at Waffle Factory's Headquarter: communication officer, regional manager, etc. Join a network and a professional structure offering opportunities for: careers, training, mobility throughout France and Belgium, full-time or part-time.

Our reviews

patricia defaux

I often eat the savory waffles of all tastes, I have tried them all and never disappointed, I go back from time to time with my daughter who loves them too

Louna Perin

Excellent white chocolate Nutella cork waffles! 😋 I came this Sunday, a very smiling and attentive salesman, it's nice to see motivated young people!😊 I won't hesitate to come back!!

xavier bercez

I have never been disappointed with their waffles! Always faithful to the Liège speculoos, I can't really give my opinion on the rest

Christine Zago

Very practical for the sweet but also savory side! Fast, efficient service. I enjoyed being able to sit on the terrace during my lunch break. Great alternative to traditional ham/butter 😉

Jérôme Barbry

Very warm welcome, efficient and fast service, the waffles are excellent, both sweet and savory! Very good experience, to do again without hesitation.

Our Posts

Besoin d'une pause rapide ? Optez pour notre option Take Away et emportez nos gaufres délicieuses où que vous alliez ! 🚶‍♀️ Plus de délices, moins d’attente ! 😎
On ne sait pas vous, mais nous on craquerait bien pour une petite douceur 😋 ✨
Nos gaufres sont comme des super-héros de la gourmandise, prêtes à sauver votre journée avec une explosion de saveurs ! 💥 🤩
Chez Waffle Factory, chaque bouchée est une aventure à partager avec ceux que vous aimez ! ❤️ ❤️
Nos gaufres sont tellement délicieuses que même Willy Wonka en ferait sa pause déjeuner ! Alors, pourquoi pas vous ? 😉 🎩
Lundi devient instantanément plus savoureux avec Waffle Factory ! 😍
Vous savez ce qu’on dit : il n’est jamais trop tôt pour un apéro ! 🤫☀️
Vous cherchez une excuse pour manger des gaufres ? Eh bien aujourd’hui c’est vendredi, et qui dit vendredi dit régalade sans chichi ! 😋😋
Chez Waffle Factory c’est tous les jours l’ascension vers le paradis avec nos saveurs incomparables ! 🚀 (Bonne fête de l’Ascension ! 🥳)
L’armistice c’est l’occasion parfaite pour répandre un peu de douceur dans ce monde ! Les mots d’ordre du jour : paix, amour et gaufres ! 🤗💛